Muldow Schools approves election, audit report
The Muldrow Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Oct. 10 where board members voted to approve the annual school election and audit report.
The board‚s call for the annual school election, a resolution authorizing school superintendent Clifta Fugett to file appropriate papers with the election board, and to provide required notice to the newspaper/ authorize printing of the ballots was approved by the board.
Regarding the audit report, Eric Bledsoe, with Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson presented the 2021-22 District annual audit report, which was unanimously approved by the board.
Nicole Hunt‚s resignation was approved under consent agenda items, and Donna Anderson, Joe Obregon and Rachel Sagely were approved as substitute teachers for the 2022-23 school year.
Fugett, during her report, discussed the October school calendar, reviewed October student counts, discussed the National School Board Convention, and reviewed current school board member points.
General Fund encumbrances #269 to #312 were approved in the amount of $84,305.04; along with General Fund payroll encumbrances #50169 to #50177 in the amount of $46,974.80.
The board also approved to allow Fugett to request an increase on the school district‚s Armstrong Bank credit card account from $10,000 to $20,000.
Also approved for the 202223 school year were:
• The Reading Sufficiency Plan presented by Joe Phillips
• To employ Everordo Avalos as a custodian on a temporary contract
• Declare surplus items and authorize the Middle School Cheerleaders to sell them
• The district‚s ARP/ESSER III Spending Plan
The Muldrow Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Administration/Cafetorium building boardroom.