Residents look forward to busy times
Welcome again to the Vian Nursing and Rehab News. Whew, what a busy fun filled week we‚ve had. We have made pumpkin crafts and baked oatmeal pumpkin cookies. We‚ve played bingo and Plinko, had manicures and visits with coffee and donuts and a trip to the gazebo in town, which was tons of fun. We met up with some old friends as well, it was a great day.
Friday was the big day, Halloween and the residents were excited to see all of the kids in costume.
We are already busy planning Thanksgiving as it‚s right around the corner. Oh my, how times flies.
Special thanks to the Holiness choirs, Mr. Gerry Baze, Michael Waylon and company, Landmark Missionary Baptist and to Newcomers New Hope Missionary Baptist Church who will be providing services on the first Sunday of every month. We are so happy to have you. We still have a Sunday available or any evening services as well. Os if your interested please call Annette at 918-7735258.
The week‚s resident shout-out goes to April from Jeanette, I love you sister. That‚s all for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful week, so until next time, God bless…Annette