Think on these things
There is always reason to hope. Hope makes up faith and faith turns bad times into good ones. Reject every negative word whether by someone next to you or in a newscast. Refuse to hear “poor me’’ stories and never, never, tell them.
There is always reason to hope. Hope makes up faith and faith turns bad times into good ones. Reject every negative word whether by someone next to you or in a newscast. Refuse to hear “poor me’’ stories and never, never, tell them.
What Adous Huxley said has impressed me so much about our own lives and what happens to them. He said there is only one comer of the universe we can be certain of improving, and that is our own selves. The first step in self-improvement is to stop talking so much. But on the other hand, stop thinking we are not worthy of good thought.
We are worthy of goodperiod. This is where hope comes in. It is not a flimsy little thought but the seed of something much greater. Walk with it and talk with it. Let it lead to happier and more productive times. Begin to expect good things but sit quietly and say little.