Dwight to hold dedication
— Sequoyah County Democrat, April 18, 1924
25 years ago
—After Gary Philpot, incoming Sallisaw police chief, attempted to replace Assistant Chief Larry Lamb April 12, Lamb resigned from that post Thursday morning.
Chief Wayne Craghead, who officially retires Monday, said pressure and stress forced Lamb to turn in his resignation.
Craghead and Jim Hudgens, Sallisaw city manager, said Thursday that Lamb, a 16-year veteran of the Sallisaw Police Department, will lose his retirement pay but, if employed in the future at another police department, that retirement fund can be rolled over into a related retirement plan.
50 years ago
—The possibility of a giant water line from Tenkiller Lake across Sequoyah County to supply county communities and Fort Smith, and a large county community building were major topics discussed at Tuesday night’s Sequoyah County Development Council meeting held at the Vian High School cafeteria.
SCDC administrator Frank Griffin said, “The city of Fort Smith is in a critical need of water.”
He added that those he had talked to about the line, including the Sequoyah County commissioners, felt that if such a line were constructed it should be built in such a way that Sequoyah County communities could also derive their major water supply from it.
75 years ago
—Tuesday night, thieves forcibly entered Cagle’s Blacksmith Shop and took a pair of bolt cutters. They then used these to force entry into Orendorff’s Modern Home Store taking $55 in cash. It has not yet been determined if any merchandise was taken. Police found fingerprints but no other clues.
This is the second burglary that has occurred in the past month in Sallisaw. On the night of March 25, the Trailways bus station was robbed of $400 in cash and checks and the Hi-way Café was entered and $12 to $15 taken from a juke box. Neither case has yet been solved.
—The Board of County Commissioners Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock opened bids of thirteen companies bidding on supplies and equipment for the Memorial Hospital now under construction here.
No awards of contract were made as Bassham and Wheeler architects, are tabulating the bids for the Board’s formal action. The supplies and equipment bid on were linens, surgical dressings. Laboratory equipment and supplies and other items needed for the hospital’s operation.
100 years ago
—The formal dedication of the Dwight Mission Indian Training school will be held on Sunday April 27 and the homecoming day for the school has been postponed until sometime in August. The buildings are expected to be completed by the first of the month and the program committee for the dedication is actively at work selecting a splendid program for the occasion. Harvey C. Hansen superintendent of the Mission spent Friday in Muskogee on business pertaining to the dedication exercises.
—Announcement of statewide good roads meeting to be held in Muskogee May 12 and 13 was made last week by E. Bee Guthrey, secretary of state highway commission and former secretary of Albert Pike Highway association.
Sallisaw Ad Club is now making preparations to send a large delegation to Muskogee for the meeting. Vice-President Kobel of the Ad Club stated this week probably forty good roads boosters from this city will attend the meeting and a large delegation from other parts of the county will go.