Members enjoy fun day
Monday we had 13 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and one KOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) in attendance today. We had a chapter weight loss of 11.6 pounds, a gain of 8.1 pounds with a net loss of 3.5 pounds this week. Good job Members! Our new member, DM, had the best weight loss of 2.6 pounds this past week. Great first week, DM! Willene’s name was drawn for the Two Bit Bowl, but looks like we will have to wait until next week. Our Lucky Lotto contest began today. A new Surprise Box was donated by Donna. A suggestion was made for the Surprise Box to be donated by the person who last won the box. So we will see how the new winner will pay it forwards in the future. We were to begin our Ladder Contest but I left it at home, so we will start the new Ladder contest next Monday. Our Chapter Challenge this coming week is to drink more water. Lynda will bring the program next week.