Fire Weather Watch issued for Sequoyah County
A Fire Weather Watch is in effect until 7 p.m. Friday, March 21, for very dry and windy conditions for much of eastern Oklahoma and northwest Arkansas, including Sequoyah County.
AFFECTED AREA…All of northeastern and eastern Oklahoma.
WIND…South to southwest winds of 15 to 30 mph with gusts 25 to 40 mph, with locally higher gusts possible.
HUMIDITY…15 to 25 percent during the afternoon.
TEMPERATURE…High temperatures in the upper 60s to mid-70s.
IMPACTS…any fires that develop will spread dangerously fast. Outdoor burning should be avoided.
PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS…A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions may occur. Conditions are likely for a dangerous combination of weather conditions and dry vegetation, favoring rapid growth and spread of any wildfires. The primary weather factors include stronger winds, lower humidities and warmer temperatures. Secure loose outdoor items. Use caution driving high-profile vehicles. Avoid any outdoor fires.