Police logs
03/10/2025 03/16/2025
03/10/2025 03/16/2025
During the week of March 10-16, 2025, Sequoyah County law enforcement tended to 20 animal calls, 129 traffic stops, and numerous medical and domestic calls according to police reports. Following is a list of incidents included in last week’s reports:
RP: Reporting Party
PO: Protective Order
PD: Police Department
SCSO: Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Office
8:35 a.m. – Disturbance- In the vicinity of NW 2nd St- RP advised that someone tried to enter her home the previous night. Brad Roberts responded.
12:13 p.m. – Speak with a Deputy Unknown Location near Sallisaw- RP reported that she was being barred from going onto her land by some neighbors. Hunter Hutchinson responded.
12:39 p.m. – Trespassing- In the vicinity of S. 4458 Rd- RP stated that her ex-boyfriend was refusing to leave her house. Court Waters and Hunter Hutchinson responded.
3:02 p.m. – Breaking-and-Entering Unknown Location- RP called to report that a pickup truck dropped off two men who then broke into her neighbor’s house through a window. Court Waters and Hunter Hutchinson responded.
4:36 p.m. – Petit Larceny- In the vicinity of S. KCS Rd- RP advised that someone entered her home and stole two kitchen chairs. Hunter Hutchinson responded.
1:04 a.m. – Other- In the vicinity of Will Morgan- RP called to report a loud noise near his home, and dogs barking. Allen Ramey and Chance Yoakum responded.
3:30 p.m. – Information- In the vicinity of S. 4530 Rd- RP advised that a neighbor shot her dog with a pellet gun. Court Waters responded.
7:02 p.m. – Harassment- In the vicinity of SW 6th St- RP reported that her neighbor yelled at her children and has been a nuisance since moving in. Alex Seabolt responded.
11:09 p.m. – Suspicious Vehicle In the vicinity of Hwy. 64B- RP reported that someone was driving their pickup truck backand- forth in front of the RP’s house. Allen Ramey and Richard Matthews responded.
11:22 a.m. – Property Dispute- Bulldog Apartments- RP advised that she and her ex-partner were fighting over property. Brad Roberts responded.
11:32 a.m. – Suspicious Person- In the vicinity of S. Hugo St- RP reported that a man in a red shirt was carrying an item that looked like a vacuum and was banging on his backdoor. Brad Roberts responded.
11:56 a.m. – Harassment- Unknown Location in Muldrow- RP called about other students harassing her son. CJ McGee responded.
12:55 p.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of S. Bonham St- RP advised that her granddaughter was stealing from her. Mark Harkins responded.
12:59 p.m. – Suspicious Person- Dollar General, Mayfield location- RP reported that a man was in the parking lot jumping at people, scaring them. CJ McGee responded.
1:24 p.m. – Speak with Deputy- In the vicinity of Ranch Rd- RP reported that she had a mobile home on her ex-boyfriend’s land, and he sold the mobile home without her knowledge or permission. Shane Petree responded.
1:52 p.m. – Trespassing- In the vicinity of S. 4760 Rd- RP called to report that some unknown people were on her property. CJ McGee responded.
2:33 p.m. – Complaint- In the vicinity of S. Ash St- RP requested to file a complaint in reference to her ex-boyfriend going onto her property and threatening her. Brad Roberts responded.
2:52 p.m. – Trespassing- In the vicinity of S. 4760 Rd- RP reported that there were people on her land that she did not invite. CJ McGee responded.
6:10 p.m. – Extra Patrol Request- In the vicinity of N. Minnie Martin St- RP said that her ex-boyfriend was harassing her family. Caleb Taylor responded.
6:27 p.m. – Drugs- In the vicinity of Roland Rd- RP reported that a black pickup was driving with a child, while the driver was high on Fentanyl. Gary Adams and Justin Deuley responded.
8:46 p.m. – Argument- In the vicinity of SE 11th St- RP advised that her neighbor was in her yard trying to fight her son. Alex Seabolt and Richard Matthews responded.
8:57- Information- In the vicinity of Crappie Point- RP reported that there was someone at the bluffs acting strange. Charles Webber responded.
8:59 p.m. – Speak with a Deputy In the vicinity of Oak St- RP advised that his fence is one foot away from his neighbor’s house, and that his neighbor installed a camera to spy on his kids. Richard Matthews responded.
11:30 p.m. – Altercation- In the vicinity of 5th St- RP reported that his wife stole their shared vehicle. Brett Visor and Charles Webber responded.
11:44 p.m. – Disturbance- Gardenwalk- RP reported that someone was knocking on his door repeatedly. Richard Matthews and Alex Seabolt responded.
12:07 a.m. – Disturbance- El Siesta- RP reported that his neighbors were fighting. Caleb Taylor responded.
8:55 a.m. – Harassment- In the vicinity of S. 4625 Rd- RP reported that someone was stalking her inside of her home. Brian Stone responded.
9:53 a.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of S. KCS Rd- RP advised that someone took his car and refused to return it to him. Brian Stone and CJ McGee responded.
10:41 a.m. – Trespassing- In the vicinity of S. 4442 Rd- RP stated that several people keep hanging out in his pasture, and he wanted them to be trespassed. Shane Petree responded.
7:22 p.m. – Other- In the vicinity of W Sequoyah- RP stated that he smelled sulphur in the air. Richard Matthews responded.
10:48 p.m. – Suspicious Person- In the vicinity of SE 11th St- RP called to report that a man was standing in her yard. Alex Seabolt, Richard Matthews and Kevin Mackey responded.
1:27 a.m. – Other- In the vicinity of E. 1085 Rd- RP advised that she found a camera in her bedroom. Justin Deuley, Grant Pruitt and Wade Hall responded.
1:48 p.m. – Disturbance- In the vicinity of S. Main St- RP stated that a man was yelling and being aggressive with him at his business. Brad Roberts responded.
2:37 p.m. – Speak with a Deputy In the vicinity of E. 1098 Rd- RP reported that someone was impersonating her neighbor and harassing her. Wade Hall and Hunter Hutchinson responded.
2:46 p.m. – Suspicious Person- In the vicinity of Hwy. 64B- RP stated that a man parked near her residence and asked her for tools to fix his car. Hunter Hutchinson, Wade Hall, Trevor Charlton and Daniel Whitus responded.
3:49 p.m. – Petit Larceny- In the vicinity of Bonham St- RP reported that her granddaughter (who was in jail at the time for theft) had stolen items from her. Mark Harkins responded.
4:03 p.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of S. 4637 Rd- RP called because her shed was mistakenly repossessed, and then returned to her home. However, the movers did not place it back into the correct spot. Hunter Hutchinson responded.
7:03 p.m. – Trash Dumping- In the vicinity of S. 4760 Rd- RP stated that his neighbor’s trash was blowing down the road. Allen Ramey responded.
9:13 p.m. – Trespassing- Gardenwalk- RP reported that the neighboring apartment was vacant, but she thought she heard the toilet flush. Mark Harkins responded.
5:55 a.m. – Stolen Vehicle- In the vicinity of S. 4645 Rd- RP stated that her son stole her vehicle. Court Waters, Hunter Hutchinson and Daniel Whitus responded.
9:15 a.m. – Disturbance- In the vicinity of S. KCS Rd- RP reported that someone broke into his car last night. Hunter Hutchinson responded.
9:49 a.m. – Stolen Property- Dollar General, Indian Road- In the vicinity of S. 4458 Rd- RP advised that, while at the store, someone took her wallet. Court Waters responded.
12:26 p.m. – Speak with a Deputy In the vicinity of E. 1125 Rd- RP stated that her son was at a party and reported to her that his truck was stolen. Daniel Whitus responded.
3:23 p.m. – Extra Patrol Request In the vicinity of S. 4612 Rd- RP advised that she heard gunshots near her home. Mark Choate and Hunter Hutchinson responded.
5:13 p.m. – Shooting Firearms Unsafely- Unknown Location- RP reported that they heard gunshots. Kevin Mackey and James Huggins responded.
7:10 p.m. – Suspicious Person- In the vicinity of S. 4435 Rd- RP reported that a man was in her backyard. Tyler Engleman responded.
10:54 p.m. – Disturbance- In the vicinity of Hwy. 82- RP reported that they passed a vehicle on the shoulder of the road that appeared to have two occupants arguing. David Garvin and Tyler Engleman responded.
12:48 p.m. – Fraud- In the vicinity of W Devron- RP called to make a report of identity theft. Hunter Hutchinson responded.
1:29 p.m. – Property Dispute- In the vicinity of S. 4530 Rd- RP reported that she was awarded property from the courts, and her step-son took the items and burned the rest of the property down. Court Waters responded.
2:57 p.m. – Other- In the vicinity of SW 9th St- RP called to report their neighbors were illegally burning leaves, and to inquire if they obtained a burn permit. James Huggins responded.
3:40 p.m. – Shooting Firearms Unsafely- In the vicinity of E. 986 Rd- RP advised that he heard gunshots outside of his house. Court Waters responded.
3:41 p.m. – Vandalism- In the vicinity of E. 1054 Rd- RP stated that his property was vandalized. Daniel Whitus responded.
4:17 p.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of S. 4623 Rd- RP reported that a family member was letting her stay on their property and sold her trailer without her knowledge. Court Waters and Hunter Hutchinson responded.
4:30 p.m. – Suspicious Vehicle In the vicinity of Hwy. 64- RP reported that a small SUV was blocking his neighbor’s driveway. Kevin Mackey and Daniel Whitus responded.
5:10 p.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of S. 4740 Rd- RP stated that his generator was stolen. Allen Ramey responded.
5:25 p.m. – Breaking-and-Entering- In the vicinity of SE 5th St- RP called to report that her house was broken into while she was out of town. James Huggins and Kevin Mackey responded.
5:31 p.m. – Suspicious Vehicle- In the vicinity of S. 4570 Rd- RP advised that a black vehicle kept driving up-and-down his street slowly. Court Waters responded.
8:09 p.m. – Suspicious Vehicle- In the vicinity of E. 983 Rd- RP called to report that a red pickup truck was parked near his shop and he thought he heard someone say “let’s get out of here, I don’t have my gun.” Tyler Engleman responded.
9:25 p.m. – Stolen Property- In the vicinity of 1150 Rd- RP reported that someone stole several irrigation pivots from his farm. Allen Ramey responded.
10:39 p.m. – Building Check- In the vicinity of N. Carlisle- RP stated that her mother texted her because she thought someone was knocking on her door, and requested someone go check. Tyler Engleman responded.
11:38 p.m. – Suspicious Person Dollar Tree, Muldrow- RP called and reported that someone was at the store flashing their lights at the store. Kevin Mackey and Chance Yoakum responded.