A: Main
November 22, 2022
The Sallisaw Police Department will be conducting speed and traffic enforcement in the area of Wheeler from Cherokee to Opdyke and all residential areas from Nov. 23-30. Everyone have a safe and H a p...
Main, News, Newsletter
By Amie Cato-Remer Editor 
November 24, 2022
Some of Vian’s sidewalks located near Vian Public Schools received some much-needed renovation last Monday. “I attended a Walkability Summit with Jayna Tillman and Kim Netz of TSET Healthy Living Prog...
Main, News
December 6, 2022
A: Main, Main, Newsletter
By Lynn McCulley Staff Writer 
November 24, 2022
Sequoyah County District Attorney Jack Thorp is on a mission to save lives, and is requesting local law enforcement to investigate drug-related deaths as homicides. Thorp said he has written letters t...
Main, News
By Lynn Adams Staff Writer 
December 6, 2022
Sallisaw resident recalls ‘inspiring’ conversation with Hillary Clinton Dr. Paula Haraway’s 61st birthday present is not one she will soon forget. The gift from her best friend, Teresa Caves, for her ...